Monday, August 3, 2015

Funky Black Contact Lenses from Spooky Eyes!

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Today I have some all black lenses to share with you from Spooky Eyes! My eyes have been bugging me lately so it's been harder for me to wear contacts, but I wanted to get this review up so please ignore the fact that my eye is a bit irritated in these photos lol.

This particular pair of lenses is called the Funky Black Contact Lenses and can be found on their site HERE
They have several pairs of black lenses on their site, but I found these to be pretty subtle on my already dark brown eyes. It's not something people would really notice unless they took a second to look closely at your eyes. Also, I didn't have an issue seeing out of these with my astigmatisms as bad as I do with other colors lenses, which was another bonus for me. 

*Disclaimer: These contacts were sent to me for review purposes. All opinions are my own.

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